My Blog

Month January 2021

Write a web-scraper in Python to get the title of a website.

Hi everyone, Today I want to show you how to write a web-scraper to get a title of a website in Python. This will include some python libraries. Step 1: Meet the requirements You will need :- Python installed on… Continue Reading →

Host Files via HTTP in Python 3 With your own web server using Flask

Hi Everyone, Today I will show you how to host your files with your own web server in python. Step 1: Install The Dependencies First, Install the dependencies. Or Step 2: Make index.html Create index.html with the following code. Place… Continue Reading →

Create your own private certification authority for digital certificates in windows

Hi everyone, in this post I will teach you to create your own certification authority for digital certificates like ssl. We will need openSSL. Step 1 First, download openSSL from . Then extract the file and rename the extracted… Continue Reading →

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