Hi everyone, today I want to tell you about a great thing called Virtual Machines (VM). I will walk you through every step since this is something amazing. Virtual Machines are Computers inside real Computers. I mean that, Right now you are reading this post on a real machine. What if I told you that you could make a imaginary machine that can run another OS without damaging your real computer. That’s what is so amazing about Virtual Machines and I will walk you through every step of creating your first VM. Our first Virtual Machine will be Ubuntu Linux (Or you could choose another OS).

Step 1: Install the requirements

First, check if your BIOS allows VM’s.

On Windows, Open CMD and run the following command


In the output, scroll down to the hyper-v section and check if virtualization is enabled in firmware. If yes, continue working on our VM. If no, then you will have to follow the instructions from your PC manufacturer to open the bios and enable virtualization.

On Linux, open the terminal and run

sudo apt-get install cpu-checker
sudo kvm-ok

And check if it is working. If not then you will have to follow the instructions from your PC manufacturer to open the bios and enable virtualization.

On MAC, open the terminal and run

sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.features

If the output string contains VMX then virtualization is enabled. If not then you will have to follow the instructions from your PC manufacturer to open the bios and enable virtualization.

Then install VirtualBox from: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

Step 2: Start VirtualBox and create your first VM

Now open VirtualBox

Now click on new

And a wizard will open

Now fill out all the details like name, type and version and click next.

Now choose the amount of RAM to give to your new Virtual Machine. I chose 820 MB of RAM for my VM

Now click next. Now after that click create

And then click next

And now click next on the hard disk file type part. Now click next again. Now choose the size of the Virtual hard disk.

Click create

And done!

Click start

And then it will ask for startup disk. Click on the button next to the textbox Which says empty

Now choose your ISO. And click start.

Now you have successfully created your first VM! I did not even harm your real computer OS. Now you can play around with your VM and experiment since it does not harm your real PC, and You can always rebuild it when you break it! Good luck!

See my other posts: https://virajkhanna.in/author/virajkhanna